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Agent's Code of Ethics

All Agents are required to observe the Agent’s Code of Ethics at all times, as set forth below:

a. Honesty and Integrity

  • I will conduct enche business activities with the highest standard of honesty, integrity, and fairness.
  • I will present enche marketing plan accurately and provide accurate and truthful information about products, services, earnings potential, and opportunities.

b. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

  • I will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines governing Single Level Marketing (“SLM”) practices, including consumer protection laws and advertising standards.
  • I will handle customer data with the utmost care, ensuring compliance with Personal Data Protection Act 2010.

c. Transparency

  • I will clearly disclose the nature of my business and the SLM opportunity to potential customers and recruits.
  • I will disclose any material connections, affiliations, or interests that may influence my recommendations or business interaction

d. Respect and Professionalism

  • I will treat all individuals with respect, dignity, and professionalism, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, disability, political or background.
  • I will not engage in any form of harassment, discrimination, or unethical behavior.
  • I will not make negative or disparaging remarks about enche, its employees, officers, directors or denigrate other companies’ products, marketing plans or any other features of another company. I will be respectful to enche and to the direct selling industry as a whole.

e. Product Claims

  • I will only make truthful and substantiated, and verifiable claims about the benefits, performance, and quality of products and services offered by enche.
  • I will not make misleading or exaggerated income claims about the environmental impact or health benefits of enche products without evidence.
  • I will not retail enche’s products (“Products”) at below or above the prescribed prices authorized by enche.

f. Confidentiality

  • I will respect the confidentiality of proprietary information, trade secrets, and personal data obtained through my involvement in enche’s business.
  • I will not disclose confidential information to unauthorized parties or misuse such information for personal gain.

g. Conflict of Interest

  • I will not take advantage the goodwill of enche to promote other business ventures/interests, whether directly or indirectly in competition with or in conflict with enche’s interest.

h. Compliance with enche’s Policies

  • I will adhere to the policies, procedures, and guidelines established by enche, including rules on marketing practices, compensation structure, and sales tactics.
  • I will not resort to any fraudulent act in promoting enche’s business at the expense of enche, fellow Agents and direct selling industry.
  • I will not use enche’s trade name(s), information, literature, advertising material and gathering of people or other enche’s resources to enhance other business interests or purpose not authorized by enche.
  • I will not accept gifts or bribes from suppliers, customers, or business partners.

i. Accountability

  • I will take responsibility for my actions and decisions as an enche’s Agent and strive to resolve any disputes or grievances in a fair and transparent manner.
  • I will accept constructive feedback and continuously improve my skills, knowledge, and ethical conduct in enche.

j. Representation

  • I will not imply or claim that I have exclusive territory to sell Products within a specific area.

k. Communication

  • I will communicate openly and honestly with other Agents, customers, and enche staff
  • I will promptly respond to inquiries and address any concerns or issues raised.

i. Professional Development

  • I will actively seek opportunities to enhance my professional skills and knowledge.
  • I will participate in training and development programs offered by enche.

m. Customer Satisfaction

  • I will prioritize customer satisfaction and ensure that their needs are met in a timely and effective manner.
  • I will handle customer complaints and returns with care, seeking to resolve issues amicably.

Independent Contractor Status

An Agent is an independent contractor and shall not imply or represent himself/herself to others as a franchisee, partner, employee, agent or authorised representative of enche and accordingly shall not have the right to negotiate or conclude any contract on behalf of enche or hold himself/herself as having such a right.